Fatwa ID: 01899
Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
I have bought a piece of land in my native place. What is Allah's command & Huzur Sallalahualihi Wasallam 's Sunnah after buying a plot.
The following things should be done after you have purchased the plot of land:
Pray 2 rakaats voluntary prayer (or more) and then make dua that Allah make it a place of barakah. Also thank Allah for blessing you with this house. If a person has received a blessing or a favour from Allah
or some difficulties or hardships have been eased, then it is Mustuhub (desirable) to read Salat Shukr. There isn’t a specific number or rakaats one should read, however, two rakats should be the very least. (Fatawa Mahmoodiyah p.125 v.7)
2. Say the following dua, “Ma sha’ Allah la quwwata illa Billaah.”
Imam Baihaq in his Shuabul Iman narrates on the authority of Saaiduna Anas that the Prophet of Allah
said, “whoever sees something, likes it –and says “Ma sha Allah la quwwata illa Billah” – nothing will harm it.”
- Protect your house from Envy and the Evil Eye by reciting Surah Falaq and Surah Naas.
Imam Ibn Qayim has written in his book Zaadul Maad, “It is the arrows that are taken out from the soul of the envious individual and then fired upon the one who is being envied. This individual maybe affected by this sometimes and manages to escape at other times. If affected by this, there will be no protection from its evil effect. Sometimes these arrows return to the envier and the evil eye makes him suffer the same negative physical actions to the body and soul as he had originally intended.”
The Prophet of Allah said ‘The one who knows in great detail his brothers affairs can harm him’. (Muwata Imam Malik p.719)
Only Allah Knows Best
Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham.