Fatwa ID: 01901
Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
I find my self missing salah due to an illness the thought of doing wudu puts me off water on my skin makes me irritable, I ask Allah SWT, to cure me so i can pray without any disturbance.
It overpowers me How can i overcome this?
Whenever Allah inflicts any hardships or calamity upon anyone, the purpose for this is to test his true servants as Allah
in the Holy Quran has said,
“Be sure we shall test you with something of fear, and hunger and some loss of wealth and lives and fruits and glad tidings to those that bear patience”. (Suarh Baqarah v.156)
Sometimes it so happens for it to be a lesson for the people coming after not to commit that deed again as Allah states in the Holy Quran:
“And indeed before you we sent (Messengers) too many nations so we seized them with suffering and adversity so that they may fall into humility.” (Surah Anaam v.42)
Furthermore, these tests can be a means of purification for the pious people. The Prophet of Allah has said when a persons sins increases and nothing remains to remove it then Allah
inflicts this person with such sorrow, which expiates his sins. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir)
With regards to your situation, these doubts which you are getting and the reluctance to perform your wudhu for salah are waswasas from the accursed shaitan.
The best way to address this problem, in the short term is not to think about it at all and be brave and not to let shaitan overpower you, the more you think about it the more it will escalate. In the long term, try to get into a habit of doing zikr and remembering Allah as shaitan finds it easy to manipulate and cause difficulties to those people who do not have Allah
words and blessings in them.
Qadi Thanaullah Pani Pati in his “Tafsir Mazhari” has written that there are three types of zikr:
- Oral, loudly
- Oral, silently
- Spiritual, within the heart known as Zikr Qalbi (Tafsir Mazhari p.41 v.3)
Practical zikr also known as ‘Zikr Faily’ is a type of zikr where a person’s action comprises of obedience to the commandments of Allah. For example praying, fasting, zakat and other types of worship and to the sunnah of the Prophet of Allah .
The Prophet of Allah has said ‘should I not inform you of the best deed, which will guarantee your salvation in this world as well as in the next. Listen! Hold fast on the zikr gatherings.’ (Mishkaatul Masabeeh p.67)
Finally, you mention in the question that you have a skin irritation, which puts you off from performing the wudhu. Depending on how serious or painful the condition is you will be allowed to do tayumum instead.
Tayumum refers to intending or looking to find soil to wipe one’s hands and face so as to be prepared for Salah and other acts requiring wudhu or ghusl. (Mazahirul Haqq p.470 v.1)
The procedure of performing tayumum is as follows:
- Make an intention. For example, “I am making tayamum for wudhu or ghusl.” It is not necessary to say it verbally. Intention in ones heart is sufficient.
- Strike both hands on the clean earth, dust the hands, then blow the excess dirt off the hands and then rub the hands on the face completely (without leaving any space). Then strike both hands on the clean earth, dust the hands, then blow the excess dirt off the hands and then rub the right hand completely over the left hand including the elbow and then rub the left hand completely over the right hand including the elbow. (Hidayah p.62 v.1)
Only Allah Knows Best
Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham