What Will Be Saaiduna Isa Alayhis Salams Religion After His Descension

Categories'Aqaid [225]

Fatwa ID: 04781

Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah




When Esa (Jesus)come back from the sky what will be his religion? Hanafi, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki or Ahl Hadith?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Saaiduna Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said “By him in whose Hand my soul is in, the time will surely come when Ibn Maryam (the son of Maryam) will descend among you as a just judge.  He will break the cross, kill the swine and end war and wealth will pour forth to such an extent that no one will accept it and one sajdah will be better than the world and what it contains.”   (Sahih Bukhari p.490 v.1)


Saaiduna Abu Hurairah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said “Pay heed!  There is no Prophet or a Messenger between Isa Ibn Maryam and me.  Remember that after me he will be my Khalifah over my Ummah….”   (Tarabani)


Saaiduna Abdullah bin Mughaffal Radiallahu Anhu has stated that the Prophet of Allah SallallahuAlahi Wasalam said “Allah has not sent a trail after the creation of Adam Alahi Salam up to the Last Hour as severe as the trial through Dajjal.  And I have related such things about him as no Prophet before me has…. Then Isa Alayhis Salam will descend and confirm the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam and follow His Shariah.  He will be a guided Imam and a just ruler and he will kill the Dajjal.”   (Tarabani)


From the aforementioned discussion, we can deduce that Saaiduna Isa Alayhis Salam will be an Imam and a follower of the Quran and the Shariah.


The four great Imams also follow the Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam. The differences between the Imams are based on their respective interpretations of the Qur’an and Hadith of the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam.



Only Allah Knows Best

Written by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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