What’s the Verdict on Using Too Little Water by Using Spray Bottle That Instead Of,’washing’ It Becomes Wiping [Mash] of Limbs

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06970


Answered by: Alimah Shaheen Yusuf




What’s the verdict on using too little water by using spray bottle that instead of ,’washing’ it becomes wiping [mash] of limbs


Would wudhu be accepted?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




A patient can use a spray bottle such that the limbs of wuu are wet enough that a drop or two  of water drips from his limbs. It is not allowed to use too little water such that instead of washing you are wiping the limbs of wuu.


Thus, wuu will not be accepted if only mas of limbs is done. It is necessary that at least 2 drops of water drip from the limb while doing wuu.


حاشية ابن عابدين = رد المحتار ط الحلبي ١/‏٨٨ — ابن عابدين 

(قَوْلُهُ: تَقَاطُرٌ) وَأَقَلُّهُ قَطْرَتَانِ فِي الْأَصَحِّ كَمَا يَأْتِي.(قَوْلُهُ: تَقَاطُرٌ) وَأَقَلُّهُ قَطْرَتَانِ فِي الْأَصَحِّ كَمَا يَأْتِي.(قَوْلُهُ: مَعَ الْغَسَلَاتِ) أَيْ الْمَفْرُوضَةِ، وَأَخْرَجَ بِهَا الْمَسْحَ فَلَا يُشْتَرَطُ فِيهِ تَقَاطُرٌ

حاشية الطحطاوي على مراقي الفلاح شرح نور الإيضاح ١/‏٥٧ — الطحطاوي 

تعالى: ﴿فَاغْسِلُوا وُجُوهَكُمْ﴾ والغسل بفتح الغين مصدر غسلته وبالضم الاسم وبالكسر ما يغسل به من صابون ونحوه والغسل إسالة الماء على المحل بحيث يتقاطر وأقله قطرتان في الأصح ولا تكفي الإسالة بدون التقاطر والوجه ما يواجه به الإنسان




Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Shaheen Yusuf

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham









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