When Does Urine Drops Break the Wudhu for Women

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 05672


Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain




I just want to know when urine drops break Wudu for women. Is it when they can be seen in the urethra like men? I have a lot of waham in this area because when I’m praying, I constantly feel urine drops in the private part due to anxiety and this causes them to almost cone out during Sajdah. I feel so helpless in this because almost always, the urine appears in the urethra and there have been times when I have repeated my Salah twice. Can you please let me know your fatwa as soon as it is possible?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




First of all, it must be clarified that the method by which men and women become purified and attain cleanliness after urination is different. Men will go through the process which is termed as Istibra’. This is accomplished by freeing oneself from any remaining urine drops so one may become contempt that no drops remain inside the urethra. Women do not do this, but they should become satisfied that no urine drops remain inside prior to using water. Methods may differ according to the severity of one’s problem.


Imam al-Shurunbulali (May Allah have mercy on him) states in Nur al-Idah:


“It is incumbent that a person ensures that the drops of urine have stopped and that one is content according to one’s habit, either by walking, coughing, lying down or any other method. It will be impermissible and incorrect to begin performing ablution (wudhu) until one is content that the drops of urine have stopped.”

[Maraqi al-Falah sharh Nur al-Idhah, p. 42-43]


You must become confident that you have relieved yourself fully. Once this is done, you can place a toilet roll in your left hand and gently absorb any remaining drops which have been left behind. After this, water can then be poured using the right hand to clean the vaginal area. You should clean yourself until confident that the impurity has been removed. Wash the hands with soap after this.


After adhering to the method mentioned above, you should forego and disregard any feelings of doubt and uncertainty of any further leakages. The Prophet of Allah ﷺ has advised regarding this, that if one is overcome with doubts, then this is from shaytaan.


Jabir (May Allah have mercy on him) narrates that the Prophet of Allah ﷺ performed wudhu (ablution) and then sprinkled water on His private parts.

[Ibn Majah, Hadith 464]


Under the principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, the apprehension of doubt does not overcome certainty. As such, as long as you are certain that no urine has been discharged then you should continue praying and regard your doubts to be from the shaytaan. Thereafter, if any doubts arise, the wetness felt may be regarded as the sprinkled water.


This is an ailment from the shaytaan and doubts will continue to arise and trouble you until these doubts have been addressed. After proceeding with the methods mentioned above, free your mind of any doubt precluding it. If this can be done over time, then these doubts will begin to fade away as you will no longer succumb to these doubts.


However, if you become certain that urine was discharged, then the necessary measures of purification will need to be taken. If this is frequent and continuous, then you may need to acquire medical assistance. This may then class you as an excused (ma’zur) for which there are separate rulings.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




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