Will Accidentally Touching The Private Parts Break Wudu

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 07478



Answered by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar




Salaam, this has happened on more than one occasion where I have needed to wash my private but I’ve already made wudu and I accidentally touch my private without a barrier. Does this invalidate my wudu? I am aware that if I touch it with a barrier then its ok but what if it was without a barrier and it was by accident?


Also, just to add, I didn’t renew my wudu after doing this as I’ve done research and there are some scholars that say as long as I haven’t touched my private with sexual desire then its ok but I do need your opinion please? Will my salah’s be accepted with the wudu that I’ve made even though I’ve accidentally touched my private area forgetting that I have wudu and its without a barrier?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





In the Hanafi Madhab, touching one’s private parts whether with or without sexual desire does not invalidate wudu. Therefore, if you accidentally touched your private parts without a barrier your wudu remains valid, and there is no need to renew it. Your prayers performed with that wudu will be accepted, and you do not need to repeat any of them



Only Allah knows best.

Answered by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



الأصل لمحمد بن الحسن – ت الأفغاني ١/‏٤٧ 

قلت أرأيت رجلا توضأ ثم مس ذكره في الصلاة أو في غير الصلاة هل ينقض ذلك وضوءه وهل يجب عليه غسل يديه قال لا

التجريد للقدوري ١/‏١٨٠

الوضوء من مس الذكر

٥٣٣ – قال أصحابنا: لا وضوء في مس الذكر.

٥٣٤ – خلافًا للشافعي.

٥٣٥ – لحديث قيس بن طلق بن علي عن أبيه -طلق بن علي- قال: خرجنا وقد قدمنا على رسول الله ﷺ فبايعناه وصلينا معه، فجاء رجل وقال: يا رسول الله، ما ترى في مس الذكر في الصلاة، فقال: «لا وضوء فيه، وإنما هو بضعة منك» وهذا بين في الوضوء، وتعليل مردود إلى سائر الأعضاء.







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