Woman Experiencing Irregular Bleeding and Spotting

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Fatwa ID: 03985

Answered by: Maulana Maruf Ahmed



Asalaamu Alaikum.


I hope this email finds mufti in the best of health.


I am experiencing extremely irregular bleeding and spotting and I need some guidance. Usually, in a month I experience spotting for a few days in the days of tuhur. In all the days of tuhur in which I see spotting, the spotting is red, hence I consulted and was told that all my spotting is not regarded as haidh but only when I start bleeding will it be regarded as haidh. Now, this Ramadan I experienced no spotting at all. One day before Ramadan I took a ghusal and from then till the 19th of Ramadhan I had no spotting at all. I spotted once on the 19th and I was clean completely till the 22nd Ramadhan in which I spotted again. The spotting is similar to the spotting in my tuhur days as it occurred once in a few days. Should I regard this as my haidh as I didn't experience spotting in 15 days?


بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful



If a woman experiences constant irregular bleeding, she would need to return to her most recent valid bleeding and tuhr in order to determine what will be regarded as haidh, istihadah and tuhr.

For example, assuming your last habit was 7 days of haidh and 27 days of tuhr, but the following month your haidh exceeds the maximum (10 days/240 hours) and you experience constant bleeding, then you would refer to your last habit and calculate the days of haidh and tuhr.

Any bleeding during your days of tuhr will be regarded as Istihadah. Therefore, in the case of this example, 7 days will be regarded as haidh and any bleeding after that will be regarded as istihadah.[1]



Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Maruf Ahmed

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




[1] Birgivi’s Manual Interpreted, pg. 55, Amana Publications


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