Would I Be Accountable for Other People’s Sins in This Situation

CategoriesMiscellaneous [821]

Fatwa ID: 07873


Answered by Maulana Aabu Saeed Miah




I’m very worried, made a discord server back in 2019 when I wasn’t practicing, a discord server is basically a group chat where people text and call, now since I have started practicing and repented ,I do not hang out with these people and I have cut most of them off from my life, I don’t use the app much anymore. My question is am I still getting the sins, these people still talk in the server and do sins like backbiting, swearing, insulting and since some of them are non Muslim they even insult religion. I didn’t delete the server since I didn’t want them to talk to me and ask about it because they would insult Islam and backbite/bully me.


I have 3 options:


1. Walk away and never come back


2. Transfer ownership to one of its members


3. Delete it


I just want the burden or sin to not be on me



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




ولا تزر وازرة وزر أخرى

No burdened soul will bear the burden of another (Quran 35:18)


In our Deen one is only accountable for the sins they commit. Alongside this, a person will be accountable for causing others to sin or facilitating for sin, however the purpose of a ‘Discord Chat’ is merely communication or socialising, the creator of such chats will not be held accountable for the sins committed in it, unless the intention at the time of creating the ‘chat’  was to cause or facilitate sin. As you mentioned, deleting the chat may cause conflict which is best to avoid in all cases, the option you have is to transfer the ownership to another person.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Aabu Saeed Miah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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