Wudhu of a Person Who Continuously Passes Drops of Urine

CategoriesTaharah [579]

Fatwa ID: 04683

Answered by: Mufti Eunus Ali




My question is regarding the wudhu and state of purity of a person who continuously passes drops of urine.

1) If such a person makes wudhu with the intention of maghrib just before the starting time will it suffice or shall they make wudhu again after maghrib time starts.

2) How shall such a person maintain the purity of clothes as urine drops keep leaking onto his pants? Does he have to keep washing or change it completely?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





The one who has become excused (ma’zur) due to the continuous discharge of urine will be required to repeat the wudhu with the ending of the salah time for the next salah.


If however, a person performs wudhu after the discharge of urine comes to a halt and the person remains in a state that no further droplets are being discharged, the wudhu will not become invalid with the salah time coming to an end. He or she may use that wudhu to perform the next salah.


If the droplets continue to discharge after performing the wudhu, it will have to be repeated with the ending of the salah time as was mentioned above. (Raddul Muhtar, Volume 1, Page 504-506, Darul Kutubul Ilmiyyah)


In regards to your question, if after performing the wudhu until Maghrib salah is performed no further drops of urine are discharged (or any other factors which invalidate the wudhu) the wudhu will remain valid and will not have to be repeated due to the Asr salah time coming to an end, otherwise it will not be sufficient.


  • There are two possible scenarios in regards to the maintenance of purity of the clothing for the excused (Mazur) person:
  1. It will be compulsory to wash and purify the place which has been soiled with the impurity which is more than the size of a dirham when it is believed that the place will remain pure until the completion of the salah.
  2. If it is believed that the place of impurity will not remain pure until the completion of the salah, it will not be compulsory to wash that place for as long as the person remains a (Mazur). (Badai’ As-Sanai, Volume 1, Page 243, Darul Kutubul Ilmiyyah)



Only Allah knows best

Written by Mufti Eunus Ali

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



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