Wudhu With Makeup

CategoriesTaharah [579]

Fatwa ID: 07322



Answered by: Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad




I wanted to ask a question. So I had makeup on but I made sure that all my mascara and eye makeup were off before performing wudu, but it was only until after wudu, I thought to check with my fingers whether all my makeup was off in the eye area and it was there and then where the tiniest spec of makeup like a black spec fell off my eye as I was wiping it to check. Will this invalidate my wudu and the prayers I performed with it? (I performed maghrib and isha together with this).


I thought as it wasn’t a solid piece of remains on my face, I carried on and prayed in this wudu but please can you advise me and tell me if I should’ve repeated it or not?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





Wudū will be invalid and incomplete if there is something preventing the reach of water to the surface of the skin of the parts that must be washed in wudū. Similarly is the cause of ghusl, if there is something preventing the reach of water to the body ghusl will be incomplete.


Usually, makeup does not prevent the reach of water to the surface of the skin and does not create a barrier between the water and the skin. Having said this your wudū should have been ok and completed and likewise, the salāh performed with that wudū should be valid and good.    



“شرط صحته أي الوضوء زوال ما یمنع وصول الماء إلی الجسد کشمع شحم”.


 (مراقي الفلاح مع الطحطاوي)


“وَلَوْ لُصِقَ بِأَصْلِ ظُفْرِهِ طِينٌ يَابِسٌ وَبَقِيَ قَدْرُ رَأْسِ إبْرَةٍ مِنْ مَوْضِعِ الْغَسْلِ لَمْ يَجُز”.

البحر الرائق (1 / 14)


الجامع الصغیر: سئل أبو القاسم عن وافر الظفر الذي یبقی في أظفاره الدرن، أو الذي یعمل عمل الطین أو المرأة التي صبغت إصبعها بالحناء أو الصرام أو الصباغ قال: کل ذلک سواء یجزیهم وضوء هم إذ لایستطاع الامتناع عنه إلا بحرج، والفتوی علی الجواز”.

 (الفتاوی الهندیة 1؍4)




Only Allahتعالي    Knows Best.

written by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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