Wudu and madhi

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 02268

Answered by Molana Eunus Ali


Salaams. Following sexual intercourse with my wife I continue to have discharge for many hours post ghusl. A few hours later at fajr time I may have to do wudu, and wash my clothes 3-6 times after great effort in removing the discharge. For work in the morning it continues. And it continues during dhuhr time although reduced. And sometimes even until asr. I miss fajr congregation prayer due to this. Please help me.



There are number of issues that will need to be addressed in regards to your situation:

  1. If after sex the compulsory ghusl is performed before passing urine and after completing the ghusl there is a discharge of semen the ghusl will need to be repeated. [1]
  2. If the liquid that is being discharged is semen which has not been released as a result of sexual desire nor has it exited with force, ghusl will not become compulsory.[2]
  3. If mazhi is being discharged the private part will need to be washed and wudhu will have to be repeated.[3]
  4. Please refer to the following for a detailed explanation of the mazoor (excused) person due to involuntary discharge of either mazhi or mani (semen):
  5. There is two possible scenarios in regards to the maintenance of purity of the clothing for the excused (maoozur) person:
  1. It will be compulsory to wash and purify the place which has been soiled with impurity that is more than the size of a dirham when it is believed that the place will remain pure until the completion of the salah.
  2. If it is believed that the place of impurity will not remain pure until the completion of the salah, it will not be compulsory to wash that place for as long as the person remains excused (ma’zur).[4]
  1. It is advisable to place a cloth or some tissue inside the under garment to avoid soiling the under garment by the impure fluid.  

If this matter persists it may be advisable to consult a doctor or a physician.

Only Allah knows best

Written by Molana Eunus Ali

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

[1] Fatawa Mahmoodiyyah, Volume 5, Page 107, Jamiah Farooqiyyah Karachi

[2] Fatawa Mahmoodiyyah, Volume 5, Page 97, Jamiah Farooqiyyah Karachi

[3] Al Fatawa Al Hindiyyah, Volume 1, Page 12, Darul Kutubul Ilmiyyah

[4] Badai’ As-Sanai, Volume 1, Page 243, Darul Kutubul Ilmiyyah

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