Divorce Due To A Heated Argument

CategoriesDivorce [786]

Fatwa ID: 07205



Answered by: Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad





On Tuesday 5/14/24 I called my husband to talk over the phone.  We were having a conversation about moving and living separate from his parents.  I didn’t want to live with his parents and he said we can live separate from them for about 6months to a year. But then wanted me to commit to stay with them after which I was not ready to commit. Due to the heated conversation he said I am a Liar and said divorce, divorce, divorce and hung up the phone.



I have been spotting for a month and half due to IUD , however the week he said it to me I was spotting more than usual which I believe was my period.  My last period was April 21, 2023 due to pregnancy. I  have 3 kids, 7 years old, 6 years old and 4 months old. Please advise at your earliest as this is very urgent.




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





If according to your estimation, your husband gave you a talāq during your menstruation, to do this is incorrect and not permissible on his behalf. He should revoke that talāq and give you another one at the time when you are clean. If he does not revoke the talāq, then you will immediately go into your iddah ( waiting period); however, you will not count this menstruation as one of the three menstruations of your iddah. After the passing of this menstruation you will count the other menstruation as the first one.



الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (3/ 232):

“(والبدعي ثلاث متفرقة أو ثنتان بمرة أو مرتين) في طهر واحد (لا رجعة فيه، أو واحدة في طهر وطئت فيه، أو) واحدة في (حيض موطوءة) لو قال: والبدعي ما خالفهما لكان أوجز وأفيد (وتجب رجعتها) على الأصح (فيه) أي في الحيض رفعاً للمعصية



الفتاوى الهندية (1 / 527):

“إذا طلق امرأته في حالة الحيض كان عليها الاعتداد بثلاث حيض كوامل ولاتحتسب هذه الحيضة من العدة، كذا في الظهيرية




Only Allah تعالى knows Best

Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham









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