Masturbation And Reaching Climax Without Semen Coming Out

CategoriesTaharah [532]

Fatwa ID: 07464


Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




If one masturbates and reaches climax but no semen comes out, would ghusl become obligatory?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In Hanafi Fiqh, the ruling on whether ghusl (ritual purification) becomes obligatory depends on the discharge of mani (semen) or sexual fluid. Let’s break down the ruling based on the situation you mentioned:


  1. Ghusl and the Release of Semen:


According to Hanafi Fiqh, ghusl becomes obligatory if:


Semen (mani) is emitted because of sexual arousal, regardless of whether the person is awake or asleep.


However, if a person reaches climax or has a sensation of orgasm during masturbation but no semen (mani) is emitted, then ghusl is not obligatory. The condition for ghusl in this case is the physical release of semen or sexual fluid.


In Hanafi Fiqh, if a person reaches climax during masturbation but no semen (mani) is discharged, ghusl does not become obligatory. Ghusl is only required when there is actual discharge of semen due to sexual arousal.


This ruling is based on the condition that the discharge of semen or sexual fluid is a key factor in the obligation of ghusl. If no fluid is released, despite feeling arousal or climax, ghusl is not required.


However, I must stress that the action of masturbation is not permitted in Islam, and you must try your best to look for alternatives such as looking for a pious spouse to be married to but this is another issue entirely.



 “فإذا لم يخرج شيء، فلا غسل عليه ولو كان أحس باللذة.” Raddul Mukhtar- page 156

 يجب بخروج المني إذا كان عن شهوة، وأما إذا لم يخرج فلا غسل عليه.”- الهداية   page 47

فِي الْجَوْهَرَةِ: الِاسْتِمْنَاءُ حَرَامٌ، وَفِيهِ التَّعْزِيرُ. وَلَوْ مَكَّنَ امْرَأَتَهُ أَوْ أَمَتَهُ مِنْ الْعَبَثِ بِذَكَرِهِ فَأَنْزَلَ كُرِهَ وَلَا شَيْءَ عَلَيْ

ص27 – كتاب حاشية ابن عابدين رد المحتار ط الحلبي – فرع الاستمناء – المكتبة الشاملة 



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








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