A Woman Wearing An Ihram For Hajj During Her Periods

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [284]

Fatwa ID: 07248



Answered by: Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar




Can you wear ihram for hajj when on your period?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Yes, a woman may enter Ihram even if she is on her period. She should perform Ghusl as usual and make the intention of Ihram. It is important to note that this Ghusl is not for attaining Taharah (purity), but specifically for entering the state of Ihram. After this, she would continue with all the rituals of Hajj or Umrah as normal, with the exception of Tawaf. Tawaf should be delayed until she has attained ritual purity. Once her period ends and she has performed Ghusl for Taharah, she can then proceed with the Tawaf.


This is based on the hadith of Aisha (ra) when she got her period at Sarif. This is because Tawaf is performed in the mosque, while standing in open plains is different. This Ghusl is for Ihram, not for prayer, and is beneficial for cleanliness.


If she starts her period after standing at Arafat and performing Tawaf al-Ifadah, she can leave Mecca without any penalty for skipping Tawaf al-Wada (the farewell Tawaf), because the Prophet (saw) allowed menstruating women to skip the farewell Tawaf.



بداية المبتدي ١/‏٤٩ 

وَإِذا حَاضَت الْمَرْأَة عِنْد الْإِحْرَام اغْتَسَلت وأحرمت وصنعت كَمَا يصنعه الْحَاج غير أَنَّهَا لَا تَطوف بِالْبَيْتِ حَتَّى تطهر فَإِن حَاضَت بعد الْوُقُوف وَطواف الزِّيَارَة انصرفت من مَكَّة وَلَا شَيْء عَلَيْهَا لطواف الصَّدْر وَمن اتخذ مَكَّة دَارا فَلَيْسَ عَلَيْهِ طواف الصَّدْر


البناية شرح الهداية ٤/‏٣٢٣

وإذا حاضت المرأة عند الإحرام اغتسلت وأحرمت وصنعت كما يصنعه الحاج، غير أنها لا تطوف بالبيت حتى تطهر لحديث عائشة ﵂ حين حاضت بسرف ولأن الطواف في المسجد والوقوف في المفازة، وهذا الاغتسال للإحرام لا للصلاة فيكون مفيدا للنظافة. فإن حاضت بعد الوقوف وطواف الزيارة انصرفت من مكة ولا شيء عليها لترك طواف الصدر لأنه ﷺ رخص للنساء الحيض في ترك طواف الصدر. ومن اتخذ مكة دارا فليس عليه طواف الصدر،




Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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