Fatwa ID: 07901 Answered by Maulana Muhammad Altaf Hossen Question: In a couple of days I am going on vacation to…
Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence
Fatwa ID: 07901 Answered by Maulana Muhammad Altaf Hossen Question: In a couple of days I am going on vacation to…
Fatwa ID: 07900 Answered by: Maulana Sakib Shadman Question: Few questions i have. Does typing or pressing the symbol ‘X’…
Fatwa ID: 07899 Answered by: Maulana Sakib Shadman Question: Assalamualaikum, Is it right to say tafweed al kayfiyyah and tafweed al…
Fatwa ID: 07898 Answered by: Maulana Sakib Shadman Question: I am married to a muslim lady, we have 2 kids. …
Fatwa ID: 07897 Answered by: Maulana Sakib Shadman Question: If I feel/see wetness during arousal, however i still doubt whether the…
Fatwa ID: 07896 Answered by: Maulana Sakib Shadman Question: I had habit of playing with beard during ihram in hajj, and…
Fatwa ID: 07895 Answered by: Maulana Sakib Shadman Question: Me and my husband were fighting and he was angrier than he…
Fatwa ID: 07894 Answered by Alimah Humairah Badshah Question: I have a question about adoption, I am a woman who has…
Fatwa ID: 07893 Answered by: Alimah Saleha Bukhari Islam Question: If I worked with marketing experts/agencies to do marketing for some projects…
Fatwa ID: 07892 Answered by: Alimah Saniyah bint Asrar Question: I live in the UK and us western muslims are faced…