Breaking Salah To Answer Someone

CategoriesSalaah [915]

Fatwa ID: 07470



Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad




Salaam, so I was praying witr and my mom called me but I didn’t cut my prayer off and answer her, i just carried on. Will I get a sin for this?  I wasn’t sure if witr comes under a voluntary prayer or not so I carried on. Should I have to redo the witr or what do I do?


Please can you advise me on this?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In the Hanafi school of thought, Witr is considered Wajib (necessary), meaning it is not purely voluntary (nafl) but is less obligatory than the five daily prayers (fard). This gives Witr a significant status, and it should not be interrupted once started unless there is a critical reason.


Since Witr is Wajib in the Hanafi madhhab, you did the right thing by continuing your prayer instead of cutting it off. Only in situations of real urgency or danger should you consider breaking a Wajib or Fard prayer.


In general, Islam encourages kindness and obedience to parents. However, if your parents call was not urgent or life-threatening, then the compulsory Prayers (Fard\wajib) should not be interrupted. If they call you during a non- obligatory salah (sunnah\nafl) and they are unaware that you are praying then you should end the Salaah and respond.


Do You Need to Redo the Witr?:


No, you do not need to redo the Witr prayer. Your prayer is valid, and you are not sinful for continuing it.



In conclusion, according to the Hanafi view, you did the right thing by completing your Witr prayer, and there is no need to redo it. If you face a similar situation in the future, it’s recommended to assess the urgency of the call, but for Witr and other obligatory prayers, it is necessary to complete them before responding unless there’s a serious need.



Only Allah knows best

Answered by Maulana Sarfraz Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah.

Darul Ifta Birmingham





قلت: لکن ظاهر الفتح أنه نفي للجواز وبه صرح في الإمداد بقوله: أي: لایجوز قطعها بنداء أحد أبویه من غیر استغاثة وطلب إعانة لأن قطعها لایجوز إلا لضرورة، وقال الطحطاوي: هذا في الفرض، وإن کان في نافلة إن علم أحد أبویه أنه في الصلاة وناداه لا بأس أن لایجیبه، وإن لم یعلم یجیبه.



قوله: إلا في النفل أي فیجیبه وجوبًا و إن لم یستغث لأنه لیم عابد بني إسرائیل علی ترکه الإجابة وقال ﷺ ما معناه: لو کان فقیهًا لأجاب أمّه، وهذا إن لم یعلم أنه یصلي، فإن علم لاتجب الإجابة لکنّها أولی کما یستفاد من قوله: لا باس”.

 (رد المحتار علی الدر المختار،ج:1،ص:654،







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