Buying Cracked Courses With Copyrights

CategoriesTrade, Business & All Things Money [783]

Fatwa ID: 06490


Answered by: Maulana Nazrul Islam




The question is related to Buying Cracked Courses With Copyrights


Fatwa No: 384226 please check this fatwa it is written in that fatwa that “Firstly, it is not permissible to buy stolen property, and it is not permissible to deal with the aggressor because the scholars stated that the person who buys from a usurper, a thief, or an aggressor, is like them [in sin], as long as he knows that they have transgressed the rights of others”


There is a website that charges a one-time fee & you get a lifetime subscription to that website it is written like this on that website “LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP ONLY 25$” there are Digital marketing related courses & others etc what they do is they upload expensive courses of other different course creator’s and upload their course content on their website without authorization or permission from the real course owners as far as I know.


My question is in Case 1: Is this permissible to learn a course from that “25$ website” if I got permission from the real course owners about using their course & I use their course & I learn from that 25$ website will I be sinful even if I used an unauthorized way to learn but I have the permission of the real course owner. & paying 25$ to that website is a sin in itself or not? is the deal with the aggressor thing apply to this or not?


Case 2: If the course is no more available in the market or course is closed for enrollment or the course is no more selling online. Is it permissible to use that course for my personal use learn & earn from earn I did not mean to resell that course? even if I use that “25$ website” or I get it for free from another website?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The Fatwa number you have referred to may have a typo as I could not find that Fatwa number.


Please recheck the number correctly or attach a link for future reference.


According to my understanding of your first question,


It will be permissible for you to use the stream if you are given permission by its rightful owner as you have stated, it will be considered a gift. (1)


If you don’t have permission from the owner to use the materials which were stolen, then you must abstain from it. (2)


The second question according to my understanding is can you reuse the material if you have paid for it once?


Yes, you may reuse it if they have provided you with the materials as this is the common understanding during this day and age, such as access to live recordings etc. (2)



Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Nazrul Islam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




(1)الهبة تصح بالإيجاب والقبول، وتتم بالقبض، فإذا قبض الموهوب له في المجلس بغير أمر الواهب جاز، وإن قبض بعد

الافتراق لم تصح، إلا أن يأذن له الواهب في القبض.

وتنعقد الهبة بقوله: وهبت، ونحلت، وأعطيت، وأطعمتك هذا الطعام

اللباب فى شرح الكتاب ص١٧١ ج٢، المكتبة العلمية



(2) العادة محكمة

القواعد الفقهية ص٤٦، دار الترمذي








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