Can I Wear Lungi in Ihraam

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [304]

Fatwa ID: 06253


Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain




Can I wear lungi in ihraam



In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




It should be clarified from the offset that many things which are permitted outside of Ihrām are not permitted inside of the state of Ihrām. [Radd ul-Muhtār: vol. 3, pg. 485] [1]


Wearing a longi is one of those things. The Ihrām has been described as two pieces of cloth for men. The first which is an Izār (lower garment) and the second is a Ridā (upper garment/shawl). The Ihrām should ideally be free of stitches. [Radd ul-Muhtār: vol. 3, pg. 487] [2]




Only Allāh Ta’ālā knows best.

Written by Maulana Mohammed Dilwar Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






[1]فصل في الإحرام: مناسبة ذكره بعد ذكر المواقيت التي لا يجوز للإنسان أن يجاوزها إلا محرما واضحة



[2]ولبس إزار من السرة إلى الركبة ورداء






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