Discharge and Prayers

CategoriesWomen's Issues [292]

Fatwa ID: 07483



Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




If brown or light-yellow discharge is not continuous and it comes at a specific time like after urinating or at noon then will it break my wudu when it comes out When I do wudu after prayer time or will it not because I did wudu after prayer time has started?


What if discharge came at mixed timings but it’s not continuous like someday it come after urinating somday at evening etc so what to do in such situation? 


What if we r out and unable to pray salah at that specific time in which discharge stops? I read a translation of hadith the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said to Faatimah bint Abi Hubaysh: “Then do Wudu for every prayer.” Narrated by al-Bukhari in the chapter on washing away blood. 


Will wudu be broken if discharge is not continuous? It’s not bleeding its light brown discharge does this discharge take ruling of istihadah? How to offer salah in brown discharge? 


Is in my case i don’t have to do wudu for each time this discharge came when i have done wudu after time prayer has started or if discharge is non continual then it breaks wudu even if i did wudu after time prayer


I just want to ask that in case of light yellow or brown discharge we do wudu for each prayer but what if this discharge comes during prayer and this discharge is not continuous all day i saw on internet that if it’s not continuous then it breaks wudu no matter it comes in b/w salah is it true? Does this discharge also need mazur معزور condition? or doing wudu for each prayer is enough?


And if i have doubts about having light brown dots in discharge can i ignore the doubt? And offer salah in that discharge will i be sinful?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




This is an important question regarding discharge and its impact on wudu in the context of offering Salah. Based on Hanafi Fiqh, I will explain the rulings regarding the type of discharge you mentioned, its effect on wudu, and what you should do in different situations.


I will also include Arabic references with translations.


  1. Does Light Brown or Yellow Discharge Break Wudu?


In Hanafi Fiqh, any discharge that exits from the private parts (except for wind) breaks wudu. This includes brown or yellow discharge, even if it is light. The key point here is whether the discharge is continuous (i.e., happening frequently enough that you cannot keep your wudu intact for an entire prayer time) or intermittent


Thus, if you experience discharge after wudu, your wudu will be invalidated, and you will need to renew your wudu for the next Salah unless you fall under the category of ma’zur (an excused person), which I will explain below.



  1. What If the Discharge is Intermittent and Not Continuous?


If the discharge is not continuous (i.e., it occurs at specific times such as after urination, at noon, or during certain parts of the day), you would not be classified as a ma’zur (excused person).


Therefore, in this case, any occurrence of discharge after wudu will break your wudu, and you would need to renew it before performing Salah.


In your case, if the discharge occurs at specific times and not continuously throughout the prayer time, wudu will be broken when the discharge occurs, and you must renew wudu.



  1. What If the Discharge Occurs at Mixed Timings?


If the discharge occurs at mixed timings (for example, sometimes after urinating, sometimes in the evening, or other times during the day), but not continuously for the entire prayer time, you will follow the same ruling: the discharge will break wudu when it happens, and you will need to renew wudu before offering Salah.


However, if the discharge is continuous such that it happens all day without stopping long enough to perform a full Salah, then you may fall under the category of ma’zur (excused person). I will explain the ruling on ma’zur below.



  1. What is the Ruling for a Ma’zur (Excused Person)?


If the discharge is frequent enough that it happens throughout the prayer time and does not stop long enough for you to perform Salah with a valid wudu, you would be classified as ma’zur (an excused person). In this case, you would perform wudu at the beginning of each prayer time, and the discharge that occurs afterwards would not invalidate your wudu for that specific prayer.


If your discharge is frequent and continuous during the entire prayer time, you would fall under the category of ma’zur and only need to renew wudu at the start of each prayer time, after which the discharge will not affect your wudu until the prayer time ends.



  1. Hadith Reference on Renewing Wudu for Each Salah:


The hadith you mentioned regarding Faatimah bint Abi Hubaysh (may Allah be pleased with her) also applies here. She was instructed by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) to renew wudu for every prayer due to continuous bleeding (istihadah), which is a condition like constant discharge.



If you fall under the category of ma’zur, you will make wudu for each prayer and pray, even if discharge continues after wudu.



  1. Doubts About Discharge:


If you have doubts about whether discharge occurred or if you see light brown or yellow spots and are unsure if they are present, you should not act upon mere doubt. In Hanafi Fiqh, doubts should not break wudu unless there is certainty of discharge.


Thus, you can ignore doubts unless you are certain of the discharge, and you are not sinful for offering Salah in such a case.



In summary:


  1. If the discharge is intermittent (not continuous throughout the prayer time): The discharge breaks wudu whenever it occurs, and you must renew wudu before offering Salah.
  2. If the discharge is continuous (happening throughout the prayer time): You may be classified as a ma’zur (excused person), in which case you make wudu at the start of each prayer time, and the discharge afterwards does not affect your wudu.
  3. Doubts about discharge: You should ignore doubts unless you are certain that discharge occurred.
  4. Light brown or yellow discharge is treated as normal discharge and will break wudu unless you fall under the category of ma’zur.


May Allah make your worship easy and grant you peace in your religious duties.



Only Allah knows best.

Written by: Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





“وخروج شيء من السبيلين ينقض الوضوء، قليلا كان أو كثيرا.

(Al-Hidaya, Volume 1, Page 14)



 “وإن كان ينقطع بحيث يجد وقتا يتوضأ فيه ويصلي صلاة كاملة بطهارة صحيحة، فإنه لا يكون معذورا.”

(Al-Hidaya, Volume 1, Page 44)



 “والمعذور هو الذي يستمر به الحدث، ولا يجد وقتا يتوضأ فيه ويصلي صلاة كاملة إلا أن يجدد وضوءا لكل صلاة.”

(Radd al-Muhtar, Volume 1, Page 180)



 “قال لها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: ثم توضئي لكل صلاة.”



 “ولا ينقض الوضوء بالشك في خروج شيء حتى يتيقن خروجه.”

(Radd al-Muhtar, Volume 1, Page 133)






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