Do Stuffed Toys and Plushies Come Under Animated Objects

CategoriesMiscellaneous [826]

Fatwa ID: 06645


Answered by: Maulana Usman Ismail




Asalāmua’laykum Mufti Sahab, I hope your summer is going well. Sorry for bothering you but one of my relatives bought this for me as a gift it’s an avocado plushie. I was wondering if it comes under the ruling of an animate object. Should I remove the legs and cover the eyes?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





اختلف المشايخ في رأس الصورة بلا جثة…. اتخاذ الصور في البيوت والثياب.. على نوعين.. نوع: يرجع إلى تعظيمها، فيكره. ونوع: يرجع الى تحقيرها فلا يكره.

(الهندية مجلد 5 ص 363, كتاب الكراهية الباب الرابع، مكتبة الإتحاد)

(كذا في فتاوى دار العلوم زكريا مجلد 7 ص 705 زمزم)

(كذا في تصوير كے شرعي احكام، ص 74 إدارة المعارف)



All stuffed toys, teddy bears, and plushies come under the umbrella of animated objects. The rules are as follows.


  • If the animated object has all body parts from the likes of humans’ heads, legs, and arms, then that type of object will be impermissible to create, buy, sell, and profit off.
  • If the object has no head but other bodily limbs, then it will be permissible to keep such objects.
  • If the object only has a head and no other limbs, then this case has a very small window of permissibility.


The majority of scholars do rule the 3rd type as impermissible, but some do allow it under conditions: 1) the object is not honoured i.e., placed on a high shelf at home. 2) actively taking care of it. i.e., people are not upset if someone walks over it.


To stay away from the difference of opinion it would be best to not purchase or kindly decline such objects. In the case that it is at home it will be best to put it in a pillowcase.




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Maulana Usman Ismail

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






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