Flying To Jeddah Before Going For Umrah

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [284]

Fatwa ID: 07448


Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat




I am travelling to Saudi Arabia.


My plan is to fly into Jeddah and spend 2 days in Jeddah with relatives. Thereafter, go to Makkah for Umrah.


Do I need to be in ihram when crossing the meeqat when I travel from the UK to Jeddah?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




In Hanafi Fiqh, the ruling concerning ihram when travelling to Jeddah before performing Umrah depends on whether Jeddah is within the Meeqat and your intention at the time of crossing the Meeqat.


  1. Understanding the Meeqat:


The Meeqat is the designated boundary or point from which a person intending Hajj or Umrah must assume the state of ihram. According to the Hanafi school, anyone who intends to perform Umrah or Hajj and passes the Meeqat without entering ihram is required to return to the Meeqat and assume ihram. If they fail to do so, a dam (penalty) is required.



  1. Flying to Jeddah Before Umrah:


Jeddah is within the Meeqat (inside the boundary). If your intention is to visit relatives in Jeddah and not proceed directly to Makkah for Umrah, then you do not need to be in ihram when crossing the Meeqat. This is because you are not intending for Umrah when crossing the Meeqat. You can enter Jeddah without being in the state of ihram.


However, once you are in Jeddah and then decide to go to Makkah for Umrah, you will need to enter ihram from Jeddah before proceeding to Makkah.


Thus, if you plan to stay in Jeddah for a few days with no immediate intention of performing Umrah, you do not need to be in ihram when you cross the Meeqat.



  1. Ihram from Jeddah for Umrah:


When you later intend to go to Makkah to perform Umrah, you will need to enter ihram from Jeddah. Since Jeddah is within the Meeqat, you can assume ihram from any location in Jeddah. There is no need to go back to the Meeqat for this purpose.



Based on Hanafi Fiqh, the following rulings apply to your situation:


1. No ihram is required when flying into Jeddah from the UK if your initial intention is to stay with relatives in Jeddah and not immediately proceed for Umrah.


2. When you later decide to perform Umrah and travel to Makkah, you will need to enter ihram from Jeddah before proceeding to Makkah.


3. There is no need to return to the Meeqat once you are in Jeddah as Jeddah is within the Meeqat boundary.


If your plan is to spend two days in Jeddah with relatives and only later proceed to Makkah for Umrah, you do not need to be in ihram when flying into Jeddah. Once you decide to go to Makkah, you will enter ihram from Jeddah.




Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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