If One Uses Beard Wax/Cream or Any Sort of Styling Product for the Beard Besides Oil, Can Wudu Still Be Made?

CategoriesTaharah [586]

Fatwa ID: 06723


Answered by: Maulana Abdul Malik




If one uses beard wax/cream or any sort of styling product for the beard besides oil, can wudu still be made?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Wudu can be made after using styling products for the beard besides oil on the condition that it does not prevent water from reaching the skin of the face area that is mandatory to be washed.

It is necessary that no part of the limbs which are necessary to be washed remains dry after washing. Therefore, anything which prevents water from reaching directly to the skin must be removed before making wudu. (Hashiyat Tahtaawi ala Maraqi al Falah, pg 61/62)[1]

Therefore, if the styling product is preventing the water from reaching the skin during wudu it will be compulsory to remove the product from the skin before making wudu.



 [1] وشرط صحته) أي الوضوء (ثلاثة) الأول: (عموم البشرة بالماء الطهور) حتى لو بقي مقدار مغرز إبرة لم يصبه الماء من المفروض غسله لم يصح الوضوء

والثالث (زوال ما يمنع وصول الماء إلى الجسد) لحرمة الحائل (كشمع وشحم) قيد به لأن بقاء دسومة الزيت ونحوه لا يمنع لعدم الحائل وترجع الثلاثة لواحد هو عموم المطهر شرعا البشرة



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Maulana Abdul Malik

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham









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