Fatwa ID: 07910
Answered by Maulana Muhammad Altaf Hossen.
1) In our Masjid, there is also a separate room for kitchen, can a Mu´takif go in the kitchen to make himself something to eat or to take stuff from the fridge ?
2) The showers of the Masjid are in the same room of the wudhu khaana, can the mu´takif make sunnah ghusl there, or only fardh ghusl?
3) In the Masjid, there is a small room on the side in which all the mic-system etc. is, can the Mu´takif enter this room, especially if the Imam is doing i´tikaaf and needs to on the mic. etc. ?
4) Can someone due to work or other reasons just do as much days of i´tikaaf he can do, even if its not 10 days?
5) Does every day of I´tikaf count separately and thus he has to make Niyyah for every day again or will he make niyyah once for all the 10 days ?
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
1) In your statement there is a separate room for the kitchen in the Masjid, a Mu´takif can go into the kitchen to make himself something to eat or to take stuff from the fridge as long as it is within the Masjid. He should not go out of the Masjid. (i)
2) The showers of the Masjid are in the same room as the wudhu khaana, the mu´takif can make Fardh ghusl. (ii)
3) ) There is a small room in the Masjid on the side in which all the mic-systems etc. the Mu´takif can enter this room, especially if the Imam is doing i´tikaf, He can make the mic system ready for usage purposes.
4) Someone due to work or other reasons just do as many days of i´tikaf as he can do, even if it is not 10 days. This will be the Nafl I’tikaf. (iv)
5) Mu’takif has to make Niyyah once for all 10 days in the state of Sunnat -E- Muakkadah Kifayyah I’tikaf. ( iv)
Only Allah knows best.
Written by Maulana Muhammad Altaf Hossen.
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham
(i and ii ) Fatawa Mahmudiah. Chapter :Babul Itikaf Page: 244 Pdf
(iii) Fatawa Mahmudiah. Chapter :Babul Itikaf Page: 244 Pdf
(iv) Fatawa Mahmudiah. Chapter :Babul Itikaf Page: 245 Pdf