Placing Items On Top Of A Cupboard That Contains Islamic Books

CategoriesKnowledge [352]Miscellaneous [778]Qur'an [170]

Fatwa ID: 07557




Answered by Aalimah Saleha Bukhari Islam





I have some questions about Adab (respect). I have a cupboard and I have put a Quran-e-paak and other deeni kitabs in this cupboard. I have a question, can I put other things on top of the roof outside of the cupboard?


Secondly, I have a computer desk which has a drawer in it. I have put my computer, laptop and other things like my bike keys etc. on top of the desk. Now my question is, can I put the deeni kitabs in the drawer because my laptop and computer and bike keys are on top of the desk? Please guide me. I always feel like I have disrespected the Deeni Kitabs. If this counts as disrespect then what should I do? We have kept these deeni kitabs in the drawer to respect them and save them from dust.




بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Ma sha Allah, your concern and questions demonstrate the level of respect you have for the Quran. The Noble Quran is the word of Allah ﷻ, in the formation of letters, words and meanings. The Quran was uttered by Allah ﷻ, and heard by Jibreel (as) who relayed it down to our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. 


Allah ﷻ, says:


“That this is truly a noble Quran, in a well-preserved Record, touched by none except the purified ˹angels˺.” [Al-Waqi’ah:77-79]


Whosoever venerates the symbols of Allah, then it is truly from the piety of the hearts. [Al-Hajj:32]


Treating the noble Quran, the words of Allah with utmost respect involves elevating it to a deep level of respect in our hearts, minds and homes. Therefore, as you have mentioned, placing the Quran on the highest level of shelf within a cupboard is sufficient for its elevation. To place any item on top of the cupboard is also fine as it is space utilised outwardly. Precaution must be taken to ensure that anything disrespectful is not placed on the cupboard such as shoes, for example. 


Secondly, you have mentioned having a computer desk with drawers filled with a laptop and other things like bike keys etc. and whether it is okay to place books of knowledge in the same drawer. If they are placed respectfully beside other items, there is no harm. However, ideally, you may want to place them alongside your Quran. For example, if you were to invest in a bookshelf for your home, you could place your Quran on the highest shelf and the books of knowledge on the lower shelves. Bookshelves with glass doors are also available to prevent dust from collecting. This arrangement would allow you immediate access to your Islamic books and the Quran for regular reading. It is an obligation for a Muslim to seek knowledge of the Deen and to be constantly engaged in learning and connecting with Allah through the Quran. 


Our Prophet said ﷺ:


Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: 


“Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.”


[Sunan Ibn Mājah 224]



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.


Written by Aalimah Saleha Bukhari Islam

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham


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