Praying for a non believers guidance

CategoriesKnowledge [364]

Fatwa ID: 01440

Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah


1) Is It Allowed To Ask Allah For The Hidayah Of "A Non-Muslim Girl & Her Family"?   2) If Yes, Then How Long Will I Have To Make Dua For Them? Is It Life Time?   3)Is It Allowed If I Ask Allah To Grant Them "Iman" and Then Grant That Girl Into My Nikaah?   4)Mufti Sahab,Please Prescribe Me Some "Wazeefah" So That I Could Get Peace Of Mind Because Continuously Thinking About Their's Hidayah Is Making Me Sick.Since I Always Wish For Her Success.And i Wonder Why These People Are Engage In Kufr And Shirk.   5) Is There Any Special "Wazeefah" So That They Would Enter Islam?   6) And What Is The Thing By The Virtue Of Which a Person born In A Muslim family And He Leads His Entire Life With Emaan, Whereas A Person born in a infidel family leads his Entire Life In Kufr And Shirk. Though both the Person Did nothing Good Before His Birth.   7) Can I Make Dua For A Non-Muslim For His Worldly Success? Like, May Allah Cure Him From Etc Sickness?



In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.

It is permissible for Muslims to pray to Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) for the guidance of a non believer to Islam as long as he is alive; but after his death it is impermissible to seek forgiveness for him.

Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) says:

“It is not for the Prophet and those who believe to pray for the forgiveness of unbelievers even though they may be near of kin after it has become clear that they are people of hell-fire.” (Surah Tawbah v.113)

Allahmah Aini raḥimahullāh (may Allāh have mercy upon him) states that the Prophet’s supplications for the non believers were either for their guidance if he had hope for them or against them if they were harming him and he lost hope in them accepting Islam. (Umdatul Qari p.207 v.14)

Answer 2

You can pray for them until they pass away.

Answer 3

You can pray for their Imaan and their guidance and also for this girl to come into your nikah.

Answer 4 & 5

The best wazeefah is to pray to Allah with sincerity and Ikhlaas. It will be good to pray Salatul Hajjah in this situation.

It is narrated by Saaiduna Abdullah Bin Abi Awfah raḍyAllāhu 'anhu (may Allāh be pleased with him) that the Prophet of Allah said; “Whoever, has any need from Allah or anyone of his children, let him make Wudhu and let him make it well, then after two rakaats of Salah, praise Allah and invoice benedictions upon the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam then say;


There is no god but Allah, the most for bearing, most bountiful, glory be to Allah, Lord of the magnificent throne. All praises is for Allah, Lord of the Universe. I beg you for all that causes your mercy, determines Your forgiveness, a wealth of every form of piety and security from every sin. O’Allah, do not leave any sin of mine but that you have forgiven it, nor any worry but that you have uplifted it, nor any need which conforms with your pleasure but that you have fulfilled it, O most merciful of all that show mercy! (Sunan Timizi P.108 V.1)

From the above hadith we can deduce that if any Muslim has any need or problems which need to be fulfilled, then one can pray two rakaats Salatul Hajah read the above dua and ask Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) to fulfil the particular need in question.

Answer 6

Did not understand your question. The main difference between Iman and non believing is the proclamation of the Kalimah.

Answer 7

Yes, it will be permissible.

Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) in the Holy Quran has said, “The believers must not take the disbelievers as friends instead of the believers.  And whosoever does that has no relation with Allah whatsoever”  (Surah Al Imran v.28)

“O those who believe, do not take my enemy and your enemy as friends having love for them”  (Surah Mumtahinah v.1)

“O those who believe do not take Jews or Christians as friends (for) they are friends among themselves.  And whoever has friendship with tem, he is one of them”  (Surah Maidah v.51)

In the verses cited above and in many other verses in the Holy Quran, Muslims have been prevented from indulging in relations based on love and friendship.  Looking at these verses, non-Muslims who are not aware of the true intention and application of this rule start thinking that the religion of Islam does not seem to have any place for tolerance or bilateral relations or even common courtesy.

On the other hand there are a large number of verses from the Holy Quran, the words and acts of the Prophet of Allah ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him), the practice of the Companions which bring to light modes of dealing with non-Muslims by way of favour, compassion, generosity and sympathy.  When Makkah was in the grip of famine, He ṣallallāhu 'alayhi wa sallam (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) personally went out to help his enemies who had made him leave his hometown.  When non-Muslims prisoners of war were presented before him, he treated them with such tenderness, which many cannot claim to have done even in respect of their children.  The disbelievers inflicted upon him all sorts of injuries and pain but he never raised his hand in revenge.  A delegation from the Tribe of Banu Thaqif who had not yet embraced Islam came to visit him.  They were given the honour of staying in the Mosque of the Prophet, a place regarded by Muslims as the most honourable.

There are different degrees in terms of relations between two people or groups.  The first degree of such relations comes from the heart, that of affection and love involving intense emotional commitment.  This is called Muwalat or close friendship.  This sort of friendship is restricted to true Muslims.  A Muslim is not permitted to have this kind of relationship with a non-Muslim. 

The second degree is that of Muwasat, which means relationships based on sympathy, kindness and concern.  It includes charitable help and support and any well-meaning attitude of wishing well.  Baring disbelievers who are at war with Muslims, this kind of relationship is permissible with other non-Muslims.

Allah subḥānahu wa ta'āla (glorified and exalted be He) in the Holy Quran has said:

“Allah does not forbid you from treating those who do not fight you on your faith, nor have they driven you out of their homes, with benevolence and equity”   (Surah Mumtahinah v.8

The third degree is that of Mudarat, which means relations based on adequacy in courtesy, pleasant and friendly behaviour and mannerly politeness.  This too is permissible with all non-Muslims when the objective is to present them with some beneficial aspect of the Faith, or when they are guests, or the purpose is to stay safe from any possible harm coming to them.

The fourth degree is that of Muamalaat or dealings.  These too are permissible with non-Muslims, except when such dealings harm the general body of Muslims.  (Maariful Quran p.56-59 v.2)

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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