Shirk Al Asghar

Categories'Aqaid [208]

 Fatwa ID: 07138


Answered by: Muftiyah Sofia Mirza




I have two questions of very serious nature. Do read the brief note so that you can understand nature of these two questions.


Well known scholar Salih Al Fawzan once said that watching with love and greatly desiring porn can be classified as shirk of desire, or something like minor shirk. Does it mean that,


Q1) A person can have desires with which he is tested with that are un-Islamic, does it mean our desires for wrong things like alcohol, music or pornography and committing these actions will come under minor shirk?


Q2) I have heard minor shikr does not make muslim a kafir, does it mean if a muslim dies without repenting from minor shirk there is a chance he can still attain paradise?




In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




There are two types of shirk:


  1. Shirk al Akbar
  2. Shirk al Asghar


The first type of shirk is when a person worships or attributes divinity to other than Allah or he worships other than Allah for example praying to someone or something else. The second type of shirk it does not involve devoting worship to other than Allah rather it is the means of polytheism and is not pure worship and leads to Shirk al Akbar for example swearing by other than Allah.


When someone commits Shirk al Akbar he exits the fold of Islam, as for Shirk al Asghar the person does not exit the fold of Islam and he is still a Muslim, and he can repent for his actions.1 Hence desires are part of every human being as we are not sin free like the angels, however we have the choice to make a correction of our actions. The sins you have mentioned are sins which can lead to Shirk al Asghar and one can seek repentance from these sins and by the mercy of Allah attain paradise.




Only Allah knows best

Written by Muftiyah Sofia Mirza

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham






1 Usool ul Aqeedah, Abdur Rahman Al Sulami, Vol 5, pg. 8

الشرك الأكبر صرف عبادة محضة لغير الله تعالى، كأن يدعو المرء غير الله، أو يستغيث بغير الله، أو يذبح لغير الله، أو يصلي لغير الله، أو يسجد لغير الله، أو يحب محبة تامة غير الله تعالى، أو يخاف خوف السر من غير الله تعالى، أو يتوكل توكلاً تاماً على غير الله عز وجل، أو يفعل أي نوع من أنواع العبادات الشرعية لغير الله، فإذا فعلها لغير الله فقد وقع في الشرك الأكبر المخرج عن دائرة الإسلام.

أما الشرك الأصغر فليس فيه صرف عبادة لغير الله تعالى، وإنما هو وسيلة من وسائل الشرك، ليس عبادة محضة، بل وسيلة من الوسائل المفضية إلى الشرك الأكبر.

أن الشرك الأكبر مخرج من الملة، وأن الشرك الأصغر غير مخرج من الملة، فالمشرك شركاً أكبر خارج دائرة المسلمين






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