Transferring Of Impurity

CategoriesTaharah [586]

Fatwa ID: 07769



Written by Maulana Ahmed Bodhania 




 1. If I was wearing impure clothing and sat on a pure place, or vice-versa, and it was a hot day and due to sitting down, my clothing and the place where I was sitting became damp, is the other pure item regarded as impure?


 2. Also, are pure and impure clothes washed together in a washing machine, considered all pure?


 3. Also, does the principle that if there is an impurity on the ground and it dries up leaving no trace then the ground is pure, apply to literally everything on the ground such as fitted carpets, etc?


 4. I am aware impurity only transfers if traces, i.e. colour, smell, or taste transfer are found, but in the case of something that has become impure due to water from a small body of water in which impurity has fallen into (and no traces are apparent in the water), how does one know if transfer occurs as there were no traces to begin with?





In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Impurity can transfer from one place/item to another. This can occur when the originally impure item is wet and its wetness transfers onto another item. E.g. a person is wearing a garment which has wet impurity on it, they sit down on a carpet and the carpet then becomes wet from it, this carpet will be considered impure. 


The safest option is to wash impure and pure clothes separately. When washing them together it is possible that the impurity may spread, however, in a washing machine the end result will be that all clothes will be free of impurity.


The principle of the ground becoming dry after impurity falling on it does not extend to things like carpets or rugs. For carpets or rugs, it is necessary to wash and dry (let it dry) three times.


It is not necessary that when small amount of impurity falls in water traces are to be visible/noticeable. Irrespective of whether traces are found, small amounts of water do not require traces to be found for it to be considered impure.




Only Allah knows best. 

Written by Maulana Ahmed Bodhania 

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah 

Darul Ifta Birmingham 








ولو ابتل فراش أو تراب نجسان من عرق نائم أو بلل قدم وظهر أثر النجاسة في البدن والقدم تنجسا وإلا فلا

 (مراقي الفلاح شرح متن نور الإيضاح, ص66)


م: (قال) ش: أي القدوري م: (والنجاسة ضربان) ش: أي نوعان م: (مرئية) ش: أي يرى بالعين ويدرك بالنظر كالدم والعذرة، والآخر لا يرى ولا يدرك بالنظر وهو معني قوله م: (وغير مرئية) ش: كالبول ونحوه م: (فما كان منها) ش: أي من النجاسة م: (مرئياً فطهارتها بزوال عينها) ش: أي عين النجاسة من غير اشتراط عدد فيه م: (لأن النجاسة حلت المحل باعتبار العين فتزول بزوالها) ش: أي بزوال العين، وفي بعض النسخ بزواله بالضمير المذكر، أي بزوال العين أيضاً (البناية,ج1,ص737, دار الكتب العلمية)









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