Would It Be Makruh To Have Two Taraweeh in One Masjid?

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Fatwa ID: 06016


Answered by: Shaykh Shafiur Rahman




Would it be makruh to have 2 Taraweeh in one Masjid (same Jamat Khana), one at an earlier time, one later?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The karaha (according to one of the two Hanafi opinions)1 of having more than one jama’ah is related to the fard/obligatory prayers in a local masjid with a fixed imam and muezzin. The tarawih prayers are sunna and do not fall into this category therefore it would not be makruh to have two jama’ah of taraweeh due to the needs of the people.



Only Allah knows best

Written by Shaykh Shafiur Rahman

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








1وَفِي آخِرِ شَرْحِ الْمُنْيَةِ: وَعَنْ أَبِي حَنِيفَةَ لَوْ كَانَتْ الْجَمَاعَةُ أَكْثَرَ مِنْ ثَلَاثَةٍ يُكْرَهُ التَّكْرَارُ وَإِلَّا فَلَا. وَعَنْ أَبِي يُوسُفَ إذَا لَمْ تَكُنْ عَلَى الْهَيْئَةِ الْأُولَى لَا تُكْرَهُ وَإِلَّا تُكْرَهُ وَهُوَ الصَّحِيحُ، وَبِالْعُدُولِ عَنْ الْمِحْرَابِ تَخْتَلِفُ الْهَيْئَةُ كَذَا فِي الْبَزَّازِيَّةِ. اهـ. وَفِي التَّتَارْخَانِيَّة عَنْ الْوَلْوَالِجيَّةِ: وَبِهِ نَأْخُذُ  ص395 – كتاب حاشية ابن عابدين رد المحتار ط الحلبي – فائدة التسليم بعد الأذان – المكتبة الشاملة






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