Would it be permissible to pray with pictures which is covered with a headscarf

CategoriesMarriage [760]

Fatwa ID: 01832

Answered by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah


Assalamualikum. Mufti saab can a girl offer namaz wearing a shirt with animate picture on it, while the picture is fully covered by her dupatta (headscarf)



The Islamic ruling in relation to pictures on clothing and reading Salah in a room where there are pictures is as follows;

  • If the pictures, which are on one’s clothing, are of a non-living thing, it is permissible to wear. Similarly, it will be permissible to read in such an environment or a room where there are pictures of non-living things. However, if there are pictures right in front of the person reading salah and there is a chance his concentration will be affected then this will be Makruh. (Raddul Muhtar p.416 v.2)
  • If the pictures are of living things, then it will be Makruh Tahrimi to read Salah with such clothing. Similarly, the same ruling will apply if the picture of the living thing is in front of him or on the side or top. (Raddul Muhtar p.417 v.2)
  • If the picture (of the living thing) is so small that it is not apparent to someone who looks down at them standing, then it will be permissible to read salah in such clothing. (Raddul Muhtar P.418 V.2)
  • If the head is cut of from the picture or the face has been blotted, it will be permissible to read salah in such clothing. (Ibid)
  • If the picture in the room is covered then it will be permissible to read Salah there.
  • Toys, newspapers etc… as long as they are not right in front of the person reading Salah, the Salah will be done without detestability even though it may be in some other part of the room. (Raddul Muhtar P.417 V.2)

The aforementioned ruling regarding pictures is when the pictures are uncovered. If the pictures are covered like in your question, by a headscarf, then it will be permissible to pray with such clothing.

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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