Are Cartoons Like Hana and Omar Permissible?

CategoriesMiscellaneous [821]

Fatwa ID: 05850


Answered by: Shaykh Ahmed Bin Mohamed Umarji




Are cartoons like Hana and Omar permissible? As I noticed it has music



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




It is not permissible to watch such cartoons. as it is also not permissible to watch anything which has animate objects1 and music2.

Please also see:



Only Allah knows best

Written by Shaykh Ahmed Bin Mohamed Umarji

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





1 Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya, Volume 7 , Page 698 Zam Zam Publishers & Qamoos Ul Fiqh Volume 2, Page 470 Kutub Khana Naeemiyyah Deoband



2 Fatawa Darul Uloom Zakariyya, Volume 7 , Page 657 Zam Zam Publishers




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