Is it Permissible to get Body Piercings?

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Fatwa ID: 03605

Answered by: Maulana Naieem Mohammad




Has anyone written a Fatwa on body piercing?



بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful





The above question is one which is answered after considering the following points:


  1. If a woman willingly adorns herself with the intention of enticing her lawful husband, who has requested such adornment from her, such adornment will be mustahab (preferable). All matters will be judged according to their intentions.[1] Such adornment may save the husband from falling into illicit relationships outside of his marriage.


  1. The custom of the people of that locality or country is considered for establishing a judgement.[2] If the usage of nose rings/septum piercings, earrings or other piercings is a well-known beauty habit of the women of that locality/country, then there will be no harm in Muslim women also engaging themselves in it. This allowance is with the understanding that the piercing is done without the Awrah (parts of the body which are necessary to be covered) is not exposed to any non-mahram individuals.


  1. ” Repelling an evil is better than attracting a benefit”.[3] There is the benefit of a woman adorning herself if however, there is the possibility of non-mahram males coming into physical contact with her to do the procedure of the piercings, or the woman is not married or is in Iddat, or the husband has not given permission for such adornment and there is the risk of non-mahram males being attracted to her and the seeds of evil being planted, then it will not be permissible to use such piercings due to the repelling of evil being preferred at this time over the attracting of any benefit.


  1. “Whoever imitates a group of people will be considered as part of them”[4], if the custom of the people does not recognize the nose piercings as a beauty tradition, except amongst the immoral women, then it would not be permissible for Muslim women to wear such adornments due to fear of imitation of the wrongdoers.


  1. Concerning men using body piercing as an adornment; It will not be permissible due to it being a means of adornment predominantly practised by women and there is no sensible beauty in males piercing their bodies. Islam forbids men from resembling women in physical traits hence the prohibition of men wearing gold and silk.[5]


  1. If there is advice from a reliable medical source that any specific type of piercing will lead to permanent bodily injury, mutilation or infection then it will not be allowed,” repelling an evil is better than attracting a benefit.”[6]


All of the above are to be understood and duly considered before deciding whether the use of anybody piercing is permitted in your case or not. Allah has given us a way of life which is easy to follow and gives due regard for the change and diversity of customs of people and places. Each person’s reason for using such piercings will be different as discussed above. It is understood that the custom of a people may change after time and the ruling of the scholars[7] may also change, thus the wide scope which we find available in the shariah.



Only Allah knows best

Written by Maulana Naieem Mohammad

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham



[1] Qawaaid ul Fiqhiyyah,page 12 – Qaida # 1 & Hadith of Bukhari #1 & Muslim # 1907


[2] Qawaaid ul Fiqhiyyah page 46 – Qaida # 33


[4] Sunan Abu Dawood 4031


[5] Meaning of the hadith mentioned by Imam Ahmad and An Nasaai


[6] Qawaaid ul Fiqhiyya page 34,Qaida # 23


[7] Qawaaid ul Fiqhiyya page 56 Qaida # 43


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