Feeding a baby chicken formula food

CategoriesFood & Drink [333]


I have a question my sister asked me, her daughter is fed via a tube in her tummy, the formula shes on give her constipation and make her sick a lot of the time, shes found a new formula which is much better for her and doesnt give her constipation but the only thing is it contains chicken, there are no other alternative available she has found out, so in this situation is she allowed to give her daughter the chicken formula


In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.




As the aforementioned situation is not a life and death matter hence, it will not be permissible to feed your baby daughter the chicken flavour food (which has been slaughtered unislamically).


Feeding our children halal food is a fundamental part of Islam. Halal and pure food nourishes the child and also increases its spirituality. I will leave you with a few ahadith n the importance of eating halal food. 


Saaiduna Abu Bakr Radiallahu Anhu narrated that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said “That body will not enter Paradise which has been nourished with Haram” (Sunan Baihaqi)


Saaiduna Ka`b Bin Ujrah narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said, “A body nourished with Haram will not enter Jannah”. (Sunan Tirmizi)


Saaiduna Jabir Bin Abdullah Radiallahu Anhu narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said, “That flesh will not enter Paradise which has grown from Haram, and all that flesh which has grown from Haram, the fire (of hell) is more worthy of it.” (Musnad Ahmad, Sunan Darimi & Sunan Baihaqi)


Only Allah Knows Best


Mohammed Tosir Miah


Darul Ifta Birmingham.

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