If We See White/Clear Discharge, Can We Always Regard It As Non-Wudhu Breaking, Despite Not Being Certain Regarding Its Origin?

CategoriesTaharah [580]

Fatwa ID: 06891


Answered by: Alimah Sherbhanu Jadwat




If we see white/clear discharge, can we always regard it as non-wudhu breaking, despite not being certain regarding its origin? If yes, can we always act on this or only when it causes hardship/when out of the house?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Any discharge or wetness from outside the vaginal rim will be like perspiration and would not invalidate wudhu. It is not najas thus there is no need to wash it off.


If the normal discharge from within the vaginally walls exit to outside the rim, that would invalidate wudhu according to Saahibain. Assuming one adopts the alternate view ie. that it does not invalidate wudhu; it will still be difficult to distinguish exactly which type of discharge it is. The safest course would be to practice precaution and renew one’s wudhu.


All other types of discharge eg. madhi which exits due to desire or discharge from within the upper/uterine area, would invalidate wudhu. According to Imam Yusuf, the discharge from the urethra will be najis due to mingling with najaasat when being discharged.


For females who have continual discharge, they should perform intinjaa by douching a bit and thereafter making wudhu, immediately before Salah. If necessary a tampon can be used. If one is unable to simply rinse off the soiled area on one’s clothing, then one’s Salaah is valid if the najaasat is less than a large coin in size.


If the discharge is so constant that one is unable to perform Salah without it emerging, then one would become in the hukm of ma’zhoor.


Yes, it is an inconvenience, like many other ailments are; eg, those who suffer from bleeding gums etc. However one should not become anxious regarding this issue. One usually performs intinjaa every time one visits the toilet anyway. And whatever is beyond one’s capability, one is not taken to task for. InshaAllah one will be well rewarded for this test of rinsing off and repeating wudhu for every Salaah.



قوله : برطبة الفرج أي: الداخل بدليل قوله اولج ، و اما رطوبة الفرج الخارج فطاهرة اتفاقا اه ح. و في منهاج الإمام النووي رطوبة الفرج ليست بنجاسة في الاصح. قال ابن حجر في شرحه : و هي ماء ابيض متردد بين المذي والعرق يخرج من باطن الفرج الذي لا يجب غسله.. فانه طاهر قطعا و من وراء باطن الفرج فانه نجس قطعا…

ص٣١٣ /ج ١

رد المحتار

و لو اقطر في احليله دهنا فسال منه لا  ينقض ، خلافا لأبي يوسف ، بخلاف ما اذا احتقن بالدهن ثم سال ، حيث يعيد الوضوء لاختلاطه بالنجاسة  ،
ص ٩١

و ينعقد الوضوء…ما خرج من السبيلين و إن قل … لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم  حيث سءل عن الحديث قال ( ما يخرج من السبيلين)١ …كالبوا  والغاءط والمودة والحاصة  والمني والمذي، والودي…

١: ذكره الزيلعي في نصب الراية في فصل في نواقض الوضوء ( ٨٣/١)

ص ٩٠

إمداد الفتاح شرح نور الايضاح ونجاة الأرواح


بيروت لبنان



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Sherbhanu Jadwat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham







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