Is Having a Session With a Dominatrix Considered As Committing Shirk as One Has To Submit His Will to the Dominatrix?

Categories'Aqaid [225]

Fatwa ID: 06986


Answered by: Alimah Sherbhanu Jadwat




In Islam one has to submit his will to the Almighty God. So, is having a session with a dominatrix considered as committing shirk as one has to submit his will to the dominatrix?



In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




Shirk means to assign partners to Allah in worship; dua; His Quality of being Creator and Sustainer of the entire cosmos ; His Ahkaam / Laws and in Allah Alone being the King and Ruler of all the worlds.


Submitting oneself  temporarily to another human in a halaal way , does not constitute shirk. This is usually the case when one submits to a teacher or spiritual guide. One understands that the other has greater knowledge, expertise and experience, thus one submits oneself to the ustad / sheikh to attain the maximum ilmi and ruhaani benefits.


Submitting oneself temporarily to another human in a haraam way , is a great danger to one’s Imaan. It is pure shaitaaniyah and a major sin bordering upon kufr.


Whilst submitting to a domanatrix when one knows what one is doing is wrong , is not shirk ; there is a great probability that it will culminate in shirk.


If one utters or does anything  that constitutes any type of shirk , eg, uttering ‘I am your slave ; your wish is my command ‘ in response to haraam commands , or bows or makes sajdah to  another , then one loses one’s Imaan.




انواع الشرك المنصوصة

الشرك في الابادة ؛ الشرك في الدعاء ؛ الشرك في الربوبية ؛ الشرك في الحكم ؛ الشرك في الملك والسلط


شرح العقيدة الطحاوية

لابن أبي العز علي بن علي بن محمد

زمزم ببلشرز   كراتشي

[و لا يشرك بحكمه أحدا] سورة الكهف



Only Allah (عز و جل) knows best.

Written by Alimah Sherbhanu Jadwat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham








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