Fatwa ID: 04977
Answered by: Imam Abdul-Malik Sheikh
Ascent to Felicity mentions the allowance to pray in your vehicle if there’s muddy terrain. I drive Uber and sometimes I don’t have time to drive to a mosque in time for prayer or it’s a long drive. Usually, I pray in a parking lot but does raining or snowing weather count as “muddy terrain” to where I can pray in my car?
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
Under normal circumstances, the Fard and Wajib Salāh will not be valid on a Rahilah (vehicle or riding animal) unless there is a legal reason (Udhr) making it difficult to offer the Salāh on the ground.
In order for the Fard Salāh to be permissible on Rahiha, there must be a valid excuse for which one is unable to dismount from the Rahilah due to some restriction such as:
1 – Illness and disability which will become worse
2 – Fear of an enemy
3- Fear of wild beast
4- Fear of a robber
5 – Unable to pray on the ground due to it being muddy such that one’s face would become soiled by sinking into the mud
In response to your question, I would say that it is not permissible for you to pray your Salāh in the car simply because the ground is wet or there is snow. You should look for a dry spot. It’s very easy to find a clean and dry spot to pray in even if the mosque is far. You can also play with something on the ground like a mat or cardboard to prevent your clothes from becoming wet.
Tuhfah al-Fuqaha, Vol.1 p.153, Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiyyah, Beirut
Only Allah knows best
Written by Imam Abdul-Malik Sheikh
Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah
Darul Ifta Birmingham