Reply to Adhan

CategoriesSalaah [976]

Is there any narration that we should say after ”hayya ala’s salah” in the adhan ; ”lâ hawla ve lâ kuwwata illâ billâhi’l-aliyyi’l-azîm”
Was salaam 

In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful.


It is preferred that whoever is listening to the adhan repeat it with the caller, except for the two hayya ‘alas-salah, hayya ‘alal-falah phrases, after which he should say La haula wa la quwatah illa billah (there is no power or might save Allah).


Imam An-Nawawi states, “Our companions hold that it is preferable for the listener to repeat after the caller (to prayer), except when he comes to the two preceding phrases, for this shows that he approves of what the caller is saying. Those two statements are calls to the prayer, and it is only proper for the caller to prayer to say them. It is preferable for the listener to say something, such as La haula wa la quwatah illa billah. It is confirmed in the two Sahihs from Abu Musa al-Ash’ari that the Prophet, upon whom be peace, said, ‘La haula wa la quwatah illa billah is a treasure from the treasures of Paradise.’ … (Fiqhus Sunnah: 1.99)


And Allah knows best.


Sayeedur Rahman


Darul Ifta Birmingham

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