Salaah masaail

CategoriesSalaah [968]

Fatwa ID: 02371

Answered by: Ustadha Umm Abdullah


Please confirm if my salah was valid in each scenario.
As you know, I'm in Palestine at the moment visiting Masjid Al-Aqsah.
1) In Fajar salah, they recite du'a qunoot after the second rakat, and ruku, I've been joining him – is the salah valid?
2) Some salahs, I've read together back-to-back with our Amir who is Salafi. We do this when we have schedules to meet – are all those salah
3) On the plane, we could not perform our salah standing; we read it sitting down facing straight. We were flying from UK to Jordan which, is very close to Saudi Arabia, so we more or less facing towards or flying in that direction – are all those salah valid?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

1) According to the Hanafi school of thought, the qunoot recited in the Fajr prayer is read when a calamity or affliction strikes. According to the Shafi’ee school, qunoot should be recited in the Fajr prayer, irrespective of whether or not a difficult time (nazila) has befallen the community.                                                                                            When one follows an imam who recites qunoot in the Fajr prayer, he should say ameen to the dua and repeating salah will not be necessary. [1]

2) According to the Hanafi madhab, combining prayers in one time is not permissible. It is not valid to advance a prayer when its time has not arrived, neither is it valid to delay a prayer until the arrival of another. Those prayers that you did not perform in their time must be repeated. [2]

3) When praying salaah in a plane it is necessary to face the qibla, pray salah standing, and perform ruku and sajda properly. If any of these conditions are lacking, salaah must be repeated once one has landed.

Only Allah Ta’ala knows best

Ustadha Umm Abdullah

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham


ولا يقنت في غير الوتر                                                                                                                    وقال الإمام أبو جعفر الطحاوي رحمه الله تعالى إنما لا يقنت عندنا في الفجر من غير بلية فإن وقعت فتنة أو بلية فلا بأس به فعله رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أي بعد الركوع كما تقدم

حاشية الطحطاوي علي مراقي الفلاح ج١/ص٣٧٧

)ولا يقنت لغيره) إلا النازلة فيقنت الإمام في الجهرية
)قوله ولا يقنت لغيره) أي غير الوتر، وهذا نفي لقول الشافعي – رحمه الله – إنه يقنت للفجر.

مطلب في القنوت للنازلة

رد المحتار علي الدر المختار ج ٢/ ص١١ 


)لا جمع بين فرضين في وقت بعذر) سفر ومطر خلافا للشافعي، وما رواه محمول على الجمع فعلا لا وقتا (فإن جمع فسد لو قدم) الفرض على وقته (وحرم لو عكس) أي أخره عنه (وإن صح) بطريق القضاء (إلا لحاج بعرفة ومزدلفة(

)رد المحتار ج١ / ص٦٣٣ دار العالمية للنشر و التوزيع(


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