Scented soap whilst in Ihram

CategoriesHajj & Umrah & Qurbani [303]

Fatwa ID: 07679



Answered by: Mufti Mohammed Dilwar Hussain




What would be the ruling if someone uses scented soap on both hands and feet in ihram?



In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful




The use of scented soap while in Ihrām is not permissible. If a person does use it, then it would be mandatory for them to pay the amount of Sadaqatul Fitr as a means of expiating for the sin incurred when it is only used on a part of a limb.


However, as you have inquired about using it over four limbs (i.e., both hands and feet) them Damm will be due. A sheep or goat would need to be sacrificed within the Haram to expiate for the mistake. [Radd ul-Muhtār: vol. 2, pg. 547] [1]



Only Allāh Ta’ālā knows best.

Written by Mufti Mohammed Dilwar Hussain

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham





[1]وفي المنتقى: هشام عن محمد رحمه الله: إذا غسل المحرم يده بأشنان فيه طيب، فإن كان إذا نظروا إليه قالوا: هذا أشنان ففيه الصدقة، وإن قالوا: هو طيب فعليه الدم، كذا في المحيط البرهاني






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