Women praying in the Mosque

CategoriesWomen's Issues [308]

Women praying in the Mosque

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful.


There are many ahadith in which the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam encouraged women to offer their prayers at home.

Saaidah Umm Salama Radiallahu Anha narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said; “The best mosque for a women is in the inner part of her home.” (Musnad Ahmad)

Saaidah Umm Salama Radiallahu Anha narrates that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said; “A woman’s prayer in her inner room is better than her prayer in the outside room, and her prayer in the outside room is better than her prayer in the courtyard and her prayer in the courtyard is better than her prayer in the Mosque.” (Mujam Tabaraani)

However, there are many occasions where the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam did not prevent women from attending the mosque for prayers. Salim narrates from his father that the Prophet of Allah Sallallahu Alahi Wasalam said; “If the wife of anyone of you seeks permission to go to the mosque he may not prevent her.” (Sahih Muslim)

Saaidun Umar Radiallahu Anhu prevented women from coming to the mosque. Khawla Bint Qays said; we were women in the mosque, who may have mixed with the men at time and perhaps even flirted and even harmed themselves in this intermixing, so Umar Radiallahu Anhu said “I swear I shall make free women of you again” so he bought us out of the mosque. (Kanzul Ummal)

In the modern era where women are roaming around the markets, shopping centre, roads, streets it seems rather unfair to shun them from the mosques. The view of my respected teachers are that women will be allowed to pray at the mosque provided there are separate entrances and facilities for them to pray and that they are far away from mixing with or being viewed by strange men.

Only Allah Knows Best

Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham

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