Istihaadha Questions

CategoriesWomen's Issues [310]

Fatwa ID: 05410


Answered by: Mufti Javed ibn Nazir Kachhalia




Assalaam Alaikum

Since marriage, my wife’s periods last longer, taking between 12-16 days to complete. We are trying to have a baby.

We have two questions:

1.) Which days can she offer salah/fast/read Quran? Should she wait for the bleeding to stop completely first?

2.) The gynecologist recommended having intercourse between days 10-15 in order to have a baby. However, my wife’s periods last until day 15 or more. When can we have intercourse?


The gynecologist said that there is no illness and this is normal for many girls and the longer periods are a result of stress and that there is no illness present, she must be stressed because we are newly married (only 4 months). Before marriage, her periods were always 7-8 days. We are not sure if it is permissible for her to ibadah or engage in intercourse. Please advise.



In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful




The minimum period of the menses for a woman is 3 days and nights and the maximum is 10 days and nights. Anything less or more than that will be counted as extra blood and due to an illness, this will be called ‘Istihaadha’, therefore it won’t be counted in the cycle of menses. (Raddul Mukhtar Vol 1, Pg 476)


In regards to your wife’s situation, she will be counted as ‘Mua’ataddah’ (the one with a set habit of menstruation).


Therefore, her menstruation will be the same as previously (7-8 days). If any blood is seen after that, it will be counted as Istihaadha and will be due to an illness or any other reason besides menstruation. (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband Vol 1, Pg 211)- Extracted from Fatawa Alamghiry Vol 1, Pg 45)


The minimum time of period of purity is 15 days and there is no limit for the maximum. (Mukhtasar Al-Qudoori, Pg 29, English Translation)


Now answering your questions;


  1. At the conclusion of her seventh or eighth day, she should do ghusl for purification. She then should start performing her Salah and she would be allowed to read Qura’an or fast, etc.
  2. Once her seventh or eighth day is completed and she performs ghusl, regardless if there is still bleeding intercourse will be permissible and allowed.


One thing that you will need to take in mind is that if your wife still bleeds after her actual days or menstruation and she had performed ghusl, then it’s not necessary for her to perform ghusl every day. Rather, she will just make a new wudhu for each obligatory Salah time and perform her Salaah, she will be able to perform whatever amount of optional Salah within that Salah time with the same wudhu. Once the time has expired the wudhu will be nullified automatically. But for Qura’an recitation, she won’t need to make a new wudhu. (Mukhtasar Al-Qudoori, Pg 29, English Translation)



Only Allah knows best

Written by Mufti Javed ibn Nazir Kachhalia

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham 



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