How Do You Dispose Jehovah’s Witness Pamphlets

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Fatwa ID: 07531






Answered by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat











I wanted to ask a question. There are times that Jehovah’s Witness pamphlets keep being put in my mailbox. And inside it mentions the name of Jesus peace be upon him. How do you dispose of such leaflets and is there any significance of the name Jehovah?


How do you dispose of texts that say Jehovah or God or Lord etc.? What about in English and texts that says Mary or Ali or Adil etc?


I’m trying to learn things properly in the Shar’i way. I am aware of being careful with texts with the name of Allah or the angels or prophets and messengers’ peace be upon them all.






In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful











(explain in brief) and conclude)





In the Hanafi school, there is significant respect and care emphasized for any material that contains sacred names, whether it be the name of Allah, His prophets, or other religious figures.




Even when these names appear in English or other languages, they are treated with reverence. 

  1. Disposing of Material with Sacred Names (e.g., “God,” “Lord,” “Jesus,” “Jehovah”)



Any document that mentions the name of Allah or His prophets must be disposed of in a respectful way, even if it is written in languages other than Arabic.



The same respect extends to religious titles like “God,” “Lord,” or “Jehovah” if they are used to refer to Allah or prophets.

  • The term “Jehovah” is an anglicised representation of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH), which in the Islamic context is understood as an attempt to refer to Allah, albeit in the context of Christian or Jewish traditions. Thus, while it’s not a direct Islamic term, it is still treated with a degree of respect due to its religious connotation.
  1. How to Dispose of These Materials
  • Burning the pamphlet respectfully and collecting the ashes to bury them in a clean place.
  • Burying the paper directly in a clean area, ensuring that it is placed where it will not be trampled upon or meet any impurity.




This applies to any text that contains names referring to Allah, His prophets, angels, or respected figures in Islam (like Mary, Ali, etc.). The goal is to prevent disrespect and ensure the names are treated with the honour they deserve.




  1. Names of Other Religious Figures (e.g., Mary, Ali, Adil)



Although names such as “Mary,” “Ali,” or other righteous figures are not considered divine, they are still respected in Islamic tradition. In Al-Durr al-Mukhtar, it’s mentioned that even writings that contain names of honoured individuals should be disposed of with care:

من احترام أسماء الأنبياء والصالحين ألا تهان أو تلقى في مكان قذر

Translation: “From the respect of the names of prophets and the righteous is that they should not be dishonoured or thrown in a filthy place.” (Al-Durr al-Mukhtar, vol. 1, p. 55)




These names do not require the same level of reverence as the name of Allah but should still be treated respectfully. If a document contains these names, it is better to dispose of it using one of the methods outlined above (burning or burying).




Therefore, in summary, 

  1. Materials mentioning Allah, His Prophets, or religious titles like “God,” “Lord,” “Jehovah” should be disposed of either by:




Burning the material and burying the ashes in a clean and safe place.




Burying the material directly in a clean area.

  1. Materials mentioning other respected figures (like Mary, Ali, etc.) should also be disposed of respectfully, although the strictness may be slightly less than with the name of Allah. Burning or burying are both acceptable methods.
  2. General rule: Any material with sacred names should be treated with care, avoiding throwing them in the trash or any place where they could be disrespected.




But please be advised any burning that takes place, should be undertaken in a safe area, the mosques usually have a confidential box that they dispose of contents securely, it will be worth asking your local masjids on what the procedure is.





Only Allah knows best.

Written by Alimah Shireen Mangera-Badat

Checked and approved by Mufti Mohammed Tosir Miah

Darul Ifta Birmingham




 إذا كتب اسم الله أو شيء من القرآن على شيء، يجب صونه عن النجاسة والاستخفاف

(Fatawa Hindiyya, vol. 5, p. 318)



 يحرق أو يدفن في مكان طاهر” (Radd al-Muhtar, vol. 1, p. 170)



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