Fatwa ID: 05618 Answered by: Maulana Syed Johir Miah Question: Some people say that it is unhealthy to drink water right after…
Institute of Islamic Jurisprudence
Fatwa ID: 05618 Answered by: Maulana Syed Johir Miah Question: Some people say that it is unhealthy to drink water right after…
Fatwa ID: 05613 Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Haroon Hussain Question: What Is the Ruling of Carmine Cochineal Insects In the…
Fatwa ID: 05596 Answered by: Maulana Sibghat Ullah Question: I have a question can we give haraam food to non-Muslims? if we…
Fatwa ID: 05558 Answered by: Maulana Burhaan Rahman Question: AsaalaamalaikumI have a question regarding eating a pasty which has meat inside, it…
Fatwa ID: 05538 Answered by: Alimah Sadmira Muric Question: Is hydrolyzed beef gelatine halal? In the name of Allah, the…
Fatwa ID: 05537 Answered by: Alimah Sofia Mirza Question: Is it permissible to grow square watermelon since Allah has made them round? …
Fatwa ID: 05503 Answered by: Maulana Sibghat Ullah Question: Can a Muslim eat halal meat if the meat is delivered by a…
Fatwa ID: 05488 Answered by: Shaykh Shafiur Rahman Question: My question is if ‘monster energy drink’ is halal or not, is there anything…
Fatwa ID: 05479 Answered by: Maulana Mohammed Haroon Hussain Question: Assalaamu Alaikum. Any fatawa that discuss what a samak (fish) is according…
Fatwa ID: 05435 Answered by: Maulana Abrarul H. Hasib Question: Someone told me that apparently Crescent products can’t be trusted as they…